Tuesday, July 23, 2013
GE 102 Experience
Monday, July 22, 2013
G.R. Little Experience
G.R. Little library is catalog different from any library I have ever seen. I have taken Library/Media Studies all through high school and knew where everything was but at this library I had to learn all over again. I absolutely love any library I go to because I love to read personally. The key words search in the library for my argumentative essay were: justice, racism, classification. I check out six book that is related to my essay. I read through the table of contents to sticky note places that relate, so I can go back and read to put passages in my essay. I found book on race classification that due with work and equality. I started my outline last night so I could be prepared today. I am proud of my self because if i had not written my outline last night I would have been struggling to start this essay. lately starting has been my issue when writing an essay. I found so good passages that I can elaborate and explain to prove my argument. I feel confident in this essay because it should be easy to convince someone after they finished reading my paper that my argument is true.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Argumentative Essay
For my argumentative essay the claim I am going to use is issues of definition. The reason I chose this claim because I can explain the factors that go into the argument. Also I believe this will help me understand the direction I need to go in order to start my essay.Arguing that this is a white mans world it a strong topic because what i am arguing is happening everyday in society, even though we are all suppose to be equal. Discussion today is absolutely true in today's society in high school all you see if click that are broken and then put back together with someone else. But the high school I came from i felt like the only real click was the athletic in all sports. What Penrod said about smart kind back in the day was not popular in school but I feel like when I was in high school the smart kids were the coolest because our school took pride in intelligence. I think being smart is great because you at least know something. I rather know something than know nothing at all.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
I think it is so crazy how we spend over $10 billion dollars on fast food. when clearly people need to start cooking at home because it cheaper for their pockets. People need to think about their life span if they are not healthy and some people do not care. which is ridiculous because every life is precious and valued. But I believe we do have a huge problem in obesity (no pun intended). Also how it is crazy that it is so cheap to buy fast food when it is expensive to eat healthy. For example Whole food is an organic provider but they are expensive. I think it should be expensive to eat unhealthy fast food and inexpensive to eat healthy. In America people are so impatient and lazy they want everything quick and easy. No body takes their health seriously unless they want to live a long time. Also the fact that little children are being diagnosed with adult diabetes is not something to brag about or no care. I did not know that is is a gene that is involve in obesity. I would like to know if I have that gene. even though I am considerate about what I eat I love Red Robin burgers.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Kids Influence by television and games
I agree that kids watching violent shows and playing violent games has an influence on their actions. Some parents do not teach their kids right from wrong because some parent believe that television has no affect once so ever on their children. My mother did not allow my brother to watch Family Guy because of the violence and profanity but she had a talk with him and then gave him permission to watch it. But I would not allow my children to watch profanity until they were out of my house. Violence is an constant event in people childhood and by the children watching violence all the time make them want to act out of violence. Some parents do not know that they have parental control over what their children watch. That is exactly why there is so much violence in school shootings now. Kids see on games how easy it is to kill someone and it is influence to them. Personally I wish people would be aware of what is happening and do something about. I think when i get back home I am going to talk to my mom about it.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
1965 The End
Everything started to make sense. Sula and Nel are more alike than I thought. at first when Eva was saying Nel is the one who killed Chicken Little I really thought she was delusional. I am sad that Sula is at an end because I rather enjoyed that book more than I expected. Sula and Shadrack is the same which I have just come to realize. I had an idea that Nel really missed Sula instead of Jude. Sula and Nel have been friend for forever and frankly if me and my best friend betrayed each other we are close to the point we might need a little space but we have known each other too long to through away four years. But it was too late for Nel she realized that she lost a good friend.I see the reason why Sula and Nel were friends because they were alike in many ways. The way the town acted towards Sula death was sad because they could not reach down in their hearts to respect the dead. That make me think about respect towards people, which is really sad in today's world. I started to really enjoy this book when Sula cheated with Jude. But I have to say I would not read this book in my spare time.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Technology Feedback
I enjoyed using Animoto because the effects of the video is cool. As well as the different videos we can pick to show our creative side. I would like to use Animoto more than Popplet. Popplet to me is like a Gloster because the only thing i really out on my popplet is videos and Glogster. But in my opinion I wish Animoto did not have to cost because I would use it all the time for projects and presentations. I do not think today was a technology overload because we use technology everyday. Animoto wins to this technology battle because it is cooler than just pictures and words. The effects in my video is the coolest thing. I picked that type of video style because when i watched the preview for the video i thought about evolution. how things around you are always changing no matter what the time or day. i never knew about Animoto until today and I am thankful that Professor Wesley for introducing this to our class.
Friday, July 12, 2013
1941 Death Knocking On The Door
Sula's death excited everyone in town but they still showed up to her funeral. Everyone in town respected the dead which i thought they were going to be rude because they did not like Sula. everyone believed that their days will be better but it was not. The Winter was a dry winter with just frost to show. Betty, Teapot mother, beat him for the first time since He fell down the stairs. I wondered why did everything go back to normal when Sula died. So everyone in the Bottom only did that to fight against Sula but now Sula is gone they have nothing to fight. Why do the people go back to their old ways when he enemy retreat. The bottom had a strong Union which could have grown if they just kept doing what their doing. Like cherishing their husbands and making the Bottom a better place for them and their children. I have a more understanding of Shadrack after this chapter because I wondered why he is such a weird person. He keeps his place clean because he learn that from the military. Shadrack is an interesting person, but I think over exaggerate him. Shadrack keeping her belt for all those years is creepy. Shadrack never had company but Sula I feel like that is why he tilted his imaginary hat to her on the side of the road. Shadrack seem to not care for national Suicide day because his only visitor is dead and he feels even lonelier than ever. I think this tow is a little crazy them selves because they have nothing better to do then to stay in everyone else business but their own. But the fact the most the people in town join National Suicide day is funny because they use to be scared but not anymore, but i do not find what they are laughing at. Some people actually died that day who participated which is ironic because it was suicide day and they actually killed themselves with out them knowing they would really die that day.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
1940 All Things Must Come to An End
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
1939 Evil Walks This Way
This chapter is a change in Sula I needed to see in order to get through this book. The tradition of Hannah just past on to Sula because she is just like her mother but worse. I am glad that the bottom is coming together as a community because that is how you get through the bad things in life. Nel has every right to become like every other women in the town because Sula is pure evil for what she did to Nel. Sula finaly feels emotion when Ajax enters her life. Which I think karma working its magic. Ajax treat Sula well but he wants what every other man wants, but that is fine with Sula. Even though Ajax called her pig meat when she was a few years younger. Sula waits on Ajax to come to her house everyday which i have to say i can not wait on no man because he is suppose to wait on me. Ajax and Sula could have a romantic relationship but their relationship to me is like a pimp an his whore. He is always bringing her gift. I understand a man can shower gifts sometimes but every visit is too much. Ajax does not see what the people in town say and think about her which means he is not judgmental of Sula ways. Sula should feel sorry for herself because she got attached when she normally does not care if the men stick along. But I understand the exile but she brought that upon herself. Sula is finally feeling emotion because she is normally has cold heart which has to be thawed away sometimes and Ajax did that for her. She found comfort when every women need but she made her bed now she has to lay in it. Sula should just leave Nel alone because she has already moved on with her life.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
1937 You Can't Turn A Whore Into A House Wife
Sula is not a true friend because you should not sleep with you best friend husband. If Sula wanted what Nel had she should have found her own man to sleep with. But then again Jude and Nel did not marry out of love because if they had then Jude would have never cheated. I understand now why Nel did not have anger in her to scream in pain from the loss of her best friend and her husband. Nel did not have true love from Jude. I am very opinionated about this topic because men these day love whores but the don't want to settle down. I do not like the new Sula because she is a snake just like her birthmark. I literally stopped reading the book after I found out that Sula and Jude slept together. That made me furious. No right man in his right mind want a whore. Whores to me is the scum on the bottom of my shoe. they just love their legs open wide all the time. Nel does not even seem mad about the fact that Sula slept with her husband. Plus Sula talking about Jude penis is so inappropriate for a married couple who have kids together. I wan to slap sula for being so disrespectful to herslef and to the people around her.
Monday, July 8, 2013
1927 A Man's World
Nel's Marriage to Jude Greene will not last long because Jude did not marry for love he married to feel like a man. Marrying someone to feel like a man is the worst thin you can do to a woman because she believe that you love her when you do not. That is wrong on so many levels. Jude should be ashamed of himself because that does not make him a man it makes him less of a man. Jude must be a looker from the way Morrison describes how many woman would watch him sing and Jude chose Nel out of them all. Helene should have seen that Jude did not love Nel by how quick he wanted to marry. I think personally a man should be able to take care of himself because he is grown and no one will take care of him forever. If i chose my Husband he has to be self sufficient. Jude is a sad essence of a man for the reason why he married Nel. I think Helene was so hell bent on the wedding that she did not see the faults. Nel submission clouds her judgement, which is her mother fault. I am a strong women and I believe in having a strong man beside me. Almost my equal but not quite because he is the man in the relationship. But I will not be submissive because I have a brain and a mouth, so i can think for myself. I am sad that Nel and Sula relationship is drifting because it always great to have that one good friend. You can be your self and talk about anything with them. One part in the chapter clarifies Sula difference form Nel. Morrison states that Sula has aggression for a leadership role.
Friday, July 5, 2013
1923 Tragedy
Hannah has always wondered did Eva, her mother, every loved her. why would Eva cut off her leg to make a living for three children who she birthed. Eva cares and loves Hannah Plum and Pearl Dearly. Honestly I would have bit Hannah head off figuratively if she asked me that question and I was her mother. Hannah was given sign that she was about to die because you have the number 522, the wedding with the red dress, and the high winds in the hills. Eva didn't want to leave her kids like Boyboy left them. I understand why Eva killed Plum because she wanted him to die as a man not as a boy who lives with his mother. Love is a powerful thing and sometimes you have to sacrifice the one you love because you don't want to see them fail at life. I think the way Sula acts towards her family is a reflection of her up bring in her childhood. Sula has evil in her blood towards her family because why would you watch you mother burn to death while your grandmother is trying to save her. Sula wasn't shocked I think she wanted to see her mother die because of the feelings she felt towards her mother. The birthmark has been changing which reflect upon Sula because it symbolize that she is changing for the worst. When Hannah dies while Eva is trying to save her I think back to when Hannah asked Eva if she ever loved her children. If Hannah could see her mother throwing her self through the window to save her. The red dress represent fire and violence which Hannah dies because she burned to death. A resulting in the wedding dream which meant death. Hannah died from fire and so did Plum which is strange but a pattern.
So far Eva is out living her children when it is suppose to be the other way around. Mothers and fathers should not have to burry their children. The children is suppose to burry their mothers and fathers.
So far Eva is out living her children when it is suppose to be the other way around. Mothers and fathers should not have to burry their children. The children is suppose to burry their mothers and fathers.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
1922 Owning
first and foremost why would you call a girl pig meat to me that is so disrespectful because that is nasty. Pigs are nasty. I think helene need to watch Nel because she is fast in the tail and want more at a very young age which is a little alarming. while Sula is not thinking about the things that Nel is. I think Sula and Nel would like to change lives because they both want what each other have.I think it sweet the Nel and Sula look into each other as friends to fill that void of a father. Nel does not want to be like her mother she wants to be Nel because she is always doing what her mother tells her. Nel mother just thinks about appearance not the emotional part of a relationship. I had to laugh at the part when shadrack walks around naked. that part actually made me laugh because who does that in the 1900's and not get arrested for it. How can Nell not tell anyone that Sula killed someone she must really be a secret safe with me even though she killed someone. But Sula did not mean to kill chicken little but it happen. Sula feels remorse for killing chicken little because she didn't mean to. So Nel and Sula attends the funeral and Sula is crying the whole time. no sound but the tears from Sula kept coming. I think its pretty that Sula has a birthmark the shape of a rose.

1921 Family Issues
Having a mother like Hannah is not the picture of a mother who should be a role model for their daughter. If I was Sula I would ask my mother a million questions as to why she have so many men around her. That is not a good impression of a women to be a whore. If you love sex so much why not marry so you have only one person to have sex with at any time or any day. Eva peace did the right thin by leaving her children so she can make a leaving and would not have to worry about what the next meal will be because that is very stressful when you have no help. Boyboy is such a low down scum for leaving her with three baby that she did not create on her own. Plus Eva should have know in the beginning that he was a cheater and he doesn't believe in a committed relationship. That is a no no. I could congratulate Eva fro owning up to what she had to do and when she saw Boyboy she was calm and collected when I would have beat him down to the point where could only think and move to eat. The funny thing was Eva did not even feel that way when he was in her kitchen while a women was sitting out side waiting for him. I think that is so rude bring you so called new girlfriend to see your baby mothers. That was just down right wrong. I find it weird that Eva called the kids that she brought into her home Dewey like why would she call them that when they already have a name. I did not understand that. When Eva goes down stairs to kill Plum I thought I would not want to watch my son die in front of my eyes slowly that is just to painful. Also I think Hannah know that Eva set him on fire and lock the door so no one was able to save him because in reality Plum can not be saved because he is damaged. I agree with Eva choice in killing her son but I don't know if I could handle killing him myself after I have birth him and nurtured him.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
1920 Racisim/ Family Members
1920 is very informational about some southern women and how people acted in the south because I am from New York, so i see the difference. Helene is a smart women to me because of the way she raised her child Nel. Nel lived a sheltered life which I can relate to because I was sheltered. Helene seems to think the trip to her grandmother house was going to be agony and it was. I would hate to be on a train that is segregated because racism make me angry for the fact that people were so judgmental on the fact of their skin. Your skin should have nothing to do with whether you should sit in the back or the front. Frankly I am tired of racism because no body should be so judgmental. people just based that upon their eyes and not what on the inside of the persons heart. I like the fact that Helene did not want anything to do with her mothers past because she felt ashamed that her mother was a whore because I would too. The word "Gal" struck a cord with Helene that I did not understand at first. I know that name "Gal" mean she is a whore to me because you would address a women my ma'am. That is the respectful way to address a women. The way Helene address her mother is not wrong because I would not regard to someone who is a prostitute as my mother. I would feel ashamed like Helene does. Helene never felt love from her mother because her grandmother raised her and took her away, so Helene could be a better person. Helene show no affection towards her mother which I would say is fine. I see why Helene moved so far away from her past because she did not want it to mess with her future. I like the fact that Nel wants something more she does not want to be the shadow of her mother. Nel wants to be know for her.
1919 Crazy Shadrack
Sula has grabbed my attention
entirely. I felt like the farmer feed false lies to the worker because the farmer did not want to give the worker useful land. The Bottom in Sula has opened
my perspective of how African-American race were treated by the white folk in
Medallion. The Bottom was considered poverty for the African American race. I find it ironic that the hills looks down upon the
white folks but in reality the white folk look down on the African American.
National Suicide day is interesting because why would you make a day to kill
yourself. that seems redundant because you are going to die anyway why take a day out of your schedule to die, when you can do something useful with your time. I have mixed feelings because Shadrack, who created National Suicide Day, uses
the day to heal from the traumatize experience he had in war. Also I wonder
what smell Shadrack thought as painful because the book did not describe the
smell. Right now I feel sympathy for Shadrack because no one really knows what
he has been through, so no one can help him. That has leads him to self
destruction when he came back from the war, and from there he just went downhill from
that point.

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